Monday, December 12, 2011

Works Cited

Works Cited 
NVCC EDU. Sara Barton. Renaissance Florence.2003.Web. Dec 12 2011.

Bergin, and Jennifer Speake. The Encyclopedia of the Renaissance. New York, New York. Market House Books Ltd Print.

Curtis, Gregory. Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia. 2011.Web. Dec 12 2011.

Hibbard, Howard. Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia. 2011. Web. Dec 12 2011.

Emil Kern. The web art Gallery. Donnatello Art Gallery.ND. Web. Dec 12 2011.

Peter Machamer. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford. Mar 4, 2005. Dec 12 2011.

Galileo Galilei.

Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) has always played a key role in any history of science and, in many histories of philosophy, he is a, if not the, central figure of the scientific revolution of the 17th century. His work in physics or natural philosophy, astronomy, and the methodology of science still evoke debate after over 360 years. His role in promoting the Copernican theory and his travails and trials with the Roman Church are stories that still require re-telling. Galileo and his family moved to Florence in 1572. He started to study for the priesthood, but left and enrolled for a medical degree at the University of Pisa. He never completed this degree, but instead studied mathematics notably with Ostilio Ricci, the mathematician of the Tuscan court. Later he visited the mathematician Christopher Clavius in Rome and started a correspondence with Guildobaldo del Monte. He applied and was turned down for a position in Bologna, but a few years later in 1589, with the help of Clavius and del Monte, he was appointed to the chair of mathematics in Pisa.In 1623 Galileo published The Assayer dealing with the comets and arguing they were sublunary phenomena. In this book, he made some of his most famous methodological pronouncements including the claim the book of nature is written in the language of mathematicsn 1634, while Galileo was under house arrest, his daughter, Maria Celeste died. At this time he began work on his final book, Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations concerning Two New Sciences. This book was smuggled out of Italy and published in Holland. Galileo died early in 1642. 

The Knights of Templar.

 The knights of Templar are were a religious group who were created in 1118 in Jerusalem in order to protect the holy land against Muslims. Following the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin the Templars continued to fight until the Christians were ejected from the holy land. They were ejected from the holly land in the battle of Acre in 1291 in which their master was killed.  In Paris the Italians grew wealthy. This made the Templars in London extremely Jealous. The Templars attacked and failed. The French then complaint to the pope who then destroyed the Templar's existence. There is now a legend that the Templars still exist today roaming as normal people fighting a religious war against a Group of Assassins. This can only be a myth cant it?


Donatello! THE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE! No silly the artist. Donatello's name was originally called Donato not Donatello. He was born in Florence Italy in 1383 and lived until 1466. His art career started as a young child but little is known It wasnt until the 1420's and 1430's that he really started experimenting with marble and bronze. The most highly developed of these are The Ascension, with Christ Giving the Keys to St Peter. 

The sculpture above is the The Ascension.

His first Full size bronze sculpture however, is a sculpture of St Louis of Toulouse. In the 1450's he took part is many important sculptures his most famous The Madonna shown below. The later died in Florence in the middle of two bronze sculptures to later be finished by a lesser artist.

Florence Italy Time Line.

  • 1252 - Minting of the first gold florin
  • 1299 - Palazzo Vecchio was built. The Palazzo Vecchio was the home of the ruling guilds of early Florence.
  • 1350 – Italian Renaissance begins
  • 1378 - Revolt of the Ciompi (wool-workers) in Florence. An example of the lower class wishing to take part in Florentine government.
  • 1397 - Giovanni de Medici moves to Florence, and begins to take part in Florentine public life.
  • 1401 – Filippo Brunellesci and Ghiberti win the rights to sculpt the northern doors of the Bapistry, a Florentine church. They take 28 years to complete them.
  • 1429 - Cosimo de Medici takes over his father's bank, and within five years has political control over Florence.
  • 1453 - Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Turks, sending many Greeks, and their influential art, to the Italian city-states.
  • 1454 - Peace of Lodi was created mainly through the efforts of Cosimo Medici. The Peace of Lodi effectively ended warring between the city-states for the next 40 years.
  • 1464 - Lorenzo de Medici ascends to power in Florence
  • 1466 - Leonardo da Vinci begins his apprenticeship in Florence
The Mona Lisa; Image is considered public domain in the copyright information at;
  • 1480 - Lorenzo de Medici completes the destruction of the Florentine republican constitution, signaling the complete triumph of despotic rule over Florence
  • 1486 - Pico publishes his collection of 900 treatises, and is declared a heretic by the Catholic Church. Lorenzo de Medici saves him from death.
  • 1494 - The Medici family is kicked out of Florence by Girolamo Savonarola.
    The French King Charles VIII took Florence without a single shot, and briefly occupied it before returning to France.
  • 1513 - The Florentine, Machiavelli, wrote The Prince.
  • May 6, 1527 - Rome is sacked by the Spanish imperial army, an event that signifies the downfall of the Renaissance.
  • 1600 – Italian Renaissance Ends

The Venus de Milo and Statue of David.

The Venus De Milo is most likely the most famous art sculpture in the world. This statue was the inspiration of Michelangelo's sculpture of David. If you compare the two together they look very similar. The David sculpture has arms where as The Venus De Milo has no arms. Many experts say that if the Venus did have arms it would be almost identical. The David was sculpted in the times of the Renaissance but the Venus was way before the major art period.  This masterwork, created out of a marble block from the quarries at Carrara that had already been worked on by an earlier hand, definitively established his prominence as a sculptor of extraordinary technical skill and strength of symbolic imagination. Also during this period, Michelangelo painted the Holy Family and St John. It is possible that the David was conceived as a political statue before Michelangelo began to work on it. Certainly David the giant-killer had long been seen as a political figure in Florence, and images of the Biblical hero already carried political implications there.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Renaissance Man

Leonardo Davinci is probably the most famous man to have ever lived in the Renaissance period. Leonardo Davinci lived from 1452-1519. Leonardo was born at Anchiano as an illegitimate child from a peasant mother named Caterina and his notary father Piero da Vinci.  Leonardo and his father and step mother moved to Florence in 1469. There he learned how to draw under the hand of Verrocchio. He became a member of the St Luke guild in 1472. At the same time he started painting sections of Verrocchio's Baptism of Christ shown to the side. He also had other earlier partings including Annunciation, Portriat of Ginevra de' Benci, and Maddona. Leonardos first major painting by him self was The Adortion of the Magi. He began in 1481 for the monastery of S Donato a Scopeto. While he was working on the adortion pannel he started a contappossto a new contraption based on the movement of a human. In 1492 he left Florence to seek employment in The Lodovico Sforza court in Milan.. He entered the work for him directing festivals and designing weapons. This is wehen he created the infamous flying machine and tank. He then created his famous painting the last supper. In 1500 he traveled back to florence. When he returned he pained his most famous painting of all time if not THE most famous painting of all time. he had more painting that have been destroyed in time until he died.
