Monday, December 12, 2011

The Venus de Milo and Statue of David.

The Venus De Milo is most likely the most famous art sculpture in the world. This statue was the inspiration of Michelangelo's sculpture of David. If you compare the two together they look very similar. The David sculpture has arms where as The Venus De Milo has no arms. Many experts say that if the Venus did have arms it would be almost identical. The David was sculpted in the times of the Renaissance but the Venus was way before the major art period.  This masterwork, created out of a marble block from the quarries at Carrara that had already been worked on by an earlier hand, definitively established his prominence as a sculptor of extraordinary technical skill and strength of symbolic imagination. Also during this period, Michelangelo painted the Holy Family and St John. It is possible that the David was conceived as a political statue before Michelangelo began to work on it. Certainly David the giant-killer had long been seen as a political figure in Florence, and images of the Biblical hero already carried political implications there.

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