Friday, December 9, 2011

The Renaissance Man

Leonardo Davinci is probably the most famous man to have ever lived in the Renaissance period. Leonardo Davinci lived from 1452-1519. Leonardo was born at Anchiano as an illegitimate child from a peasant mother named Caterina and his notary father Piero da Vinci.  Leonardo and his father and step mother moved to Florence in 1469. There he learned how to draw under the hand of Verrocchio. He became a member of the St Luke guild in 1472. At the same time he started painting sections of Verrocchio's Baptism of Christ shown to the side. He also had other earlier partings including Annunciation, Portriat of Ginevra de' Benci, and Maddona. Leonardos first major painting by him self was The Adortion of the Magi. He began in 1481 for the monastery of S Donato a Scopeto. While he was working on the adortion pannel he started a contappossto a new contraption based on the movement of a human. In 1492 he left Florence to seek employment in The Lodovico Sforza court in Milan.. He entered the work for him directing festivals and designing weapons. This is wehen he created the infamous flying machine and tank. He then created his famous painting the last supper. In 1500 he traveled back to florence. When he returned he pained his most famous painting of all time if not THE most famous painting of all time. he had more painting that have been destroyed in time until he died.


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