Monday, December 12, 2011


Donatello! THE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE! No silly the artist. Donatello's name was originally called Donato not Donatello. He was born in Florence Italy in 1383 and lived until 1466. His art career started as a young child but little is known It wasnt until the 1420's and 1430's that he really started experimenting with marble and bronze. The most highly developed of these are The Ascension, with Christ Giving the Keys to St Peter. 

The sculpture above is the The Ascension.

His first Full size bronze sculpture however, is a sculpture of St Louis of Toulouse. In the 1450's he took part is many important sculptures his most famous The Madonna shown below. The later died in Florence in the middle of two bronze sculptures to later be finished by a lesser artist.

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